RWA_NOVA Terms and Conditions

Chapter 1 General Provisions

  • Article 1 (Purpose)

    These terms and conditions are for the purpose of stipulating the rights, obligations, and other necessary matters of the company and members in relation to the use of the Internet service (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”) provided by Real World Asset Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”).
  • Article 2 (Effect of Terms and Conditions and Changes)

    • In order for members to comprehend these terms and conditions, RWA_NOVA are presented on the service screen.
    • The firm may alter these terms and conditions if it deems it essential, and if it does, the date of application and any modifications must be indicated and communicated at least seven days before the date of the application using the procedure described in paragraph 1. However, notification will be provided at least 30 days in advance of any modifications to the terms and conditions that are detrimental to members. The firm tells each member individually by e-mail included in the member's information, in the event of a change in terms that is detrimental to them.
    • The member expressly declines to do so despite being notified or being notified that the firm notifies or notifies of the modification of the terms and conditions in accordance with Paragraph 2 and does not declare its intention to reject by the date of application of the modified terms and conditions. If users will not agree, the terms of the modification are accepted. If the altered terms and conditions are unacceptable to the members, they may end the usage agreement.
  • Article 3 (Rules other than the terms and conditions)

    The provisions of the Telecommunications Framework Act, the Telecommunications Business Act, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., and other related laws shall apply to matters not specifically covered by these terms and conditions.

Chapter 2 Service Use Agreement

  • Article 4 (Establishment of Use Agreement)

    When a potential member (hereafter referred to as a "subscription applicant") accepts these terms and conditions and the privacy statement, submits an application for membership, and the business accepts the application, a contract of use is established.
  • Article 5 (Applications for Use: Approval/Reservation)

    • The member-in-waiting fills out the required information on the company's specified form and submits an application for usage.
    • In any of the following situations, the firm may withhold approval until the issue is rectified.
      • If there is not enough area for amenities linked to services
      • In the event of technical issues
      • When there are additional factors like those listed above
    • If the application comes within any of the following subparagraphs, the business may refuse to accept it for use.
      • If an application is submitted under another person's name
      • When relevant information is falsified when submitting an application for usage
      • when a minor under 14 requests use but does not receive parental or other legal guardian approval
      • In the event that a usage request is made that doesn't comply with the business' regulations or other relevant laws,
    • In the event that one applies for usage that does not adhere to the company's specifications or violates other relevant laws,
    • If a former member submits an application for use within a year of the date the use contract was terminated by the firm owing to a breach of the terms and conditions, the company may not accept it.
  • Article 6 (Change of Member Information)

    • The member must update the information submitted at the time of the application for usage online, or notify the business of the change by email or another method. The firm is not liable for any negative effects brought on by members who fail to communicate the change.
    • Dormant members are those who have not signed in for more than a year, according to the firm.
  • Article 7 (Protection and retention period of personal information)

    • According to pertinent legislation such as the "Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc." and the "Personal Information Protection Act," the firm works to secure the personal information of its members.
    • The firm may generate and utilize aggregate statistical statistics on all or some of the member's personal information in accordance with the personal information processing policy, and may send cookies to the member's computer through the service. In this situation, the member can decide whether to accept cookies or adjust the computer browser's cookie warning settings.
    • The corporation may adjust the member's personal information at the member's request in the event of a change in personal information that the member cannot directly update, such as a name change.
    • A member's personal information is retained separately if they are designated as inactive members. Unless the member resumes using the service or there are specific restrictions in laws and regulations, the firm does not use or distribute separate personal information.
    • In order to avoid misuse of rights and prepare for legal issues involving rights infringement, the firm may keep a member's personal information for 60 days after the member ends the contract of use. The member's duplicate registration confirmation information (ID) may, however, be retained for a period of one year in the event that the company ends the contract in accordance with Article6, Clause5.

Chapter 3: Contracting Parties' Obligations

  • Article 8 (Obligations of the company)

    • The business constantly works to deliver consistent and reliable service, so when a service malfunction or is lost, it has to be fixed right away and brought back up. However, the service may be temporarily halted or suspended in the event of a natural disaster, emergency, or other unforeseen circumstances.
    • In order for users of the service to do so securely, the business must have a security system in place, as well as faithfully carry out actions like maintenance, inspection, and recovery.
    • When a third party enters into a contract with the company and plans to offer services to the company's members as a result, the company discloses the member's personal information to the third party within the parameters of consent after obtaining the member's individual consent. In this situation, the company complies with the requirements of related laws to protect the member's personal information.
    • If the firm decides that a member's concerns or opinions voiced through the established processes are valid, they must be addressed. The member must be informed of the situation and the expected processing timeframe if quick processing is not possible. However, the member may be informed of the reason, and the processing may proceed in a reasonable amount of time if it is difficult to foresee the processing time, such as when it is essential to verify the facts.
  • Article 9 (Responsibilities of Members)

    • Members are forbidden from interfering with the company's operations and must abide by any messages and instructions from the company, including those regarding applicable laws and regulations, the terms of these terms and conditions, and the rules of usage.
    • Without the company's previous approval, members are not permitted to copy, transmit, alter, translate, publish, distribute, broadcast, or make any other use of the copyrighted postings, give them to a third party, or use them for commercial gain.
    • Members are prohibited from utilizing the service for commercial purposes, such as advertising, without the company's prior approval. Without prior consent, the firm shall not be held liable for the outcomes resulting from the members' profitable activity. In the case that the member engages in profit-making activities without first receiving prior authorization, the member shall be responsible for any damage to the firm.
    • Members are accountable for managing their electronic wallets, IDs, and passwords as well as any penalties brought on by carelessness or unauthorized usage.
    • In order to utilize a third party's trademark, copyright, or other rights in connection with using the service, such as publishing posts, a member must first get the required permission from the rightsholder. Every duty belongs to the members.
    • Members must not use the service or earn points in a way that might jeopardize the company's capacity to provide stable service and must not promote such practices.
    • Any of the following behaviors are strictly prohibited by members when using the service.
      • Using the service unjustly by using someone else's ID
      • Acts that violate the company's or third parties copyright, portrait rights, or other
      • Rights distributing material that is against morality and public order
      • The practice of disseminating spectacular or politically contentious material
      • Acts that are categorically determined to be connected to a crime
      • Acts that prevent the growth of the community, such as repeatedly provoking arguments among neighbors
      • Distributing malware, harmful software, or other threats, or attempting to hack
      • Delivering information in excess or distributing advertisements in order to disrupt the service's ability to run smoothly
      • Pretending to be one of the organization's officers, managers, or executives
      • Using a nickname that is considered to contain each of the aforementioned clauses
      • Interfere with the service provided by the business or wilfully harm the service
      • Acts that break any applicable laws

Chapter 4: Use of Services

  • Article 10 (Scope of Service Use)

    • Depending on the member's age, whether or not he or she is verified, or the level permitted, the corporation may, if required, restrict access to particular services.
  • Article 11 (Provision of Information)

    • The company may send members alerts, emails, letters, SMS (MMS), and other communications as considered essential during service use to present members with various information.
    • If a member indicates a desire not to receive the information in the sentence above, the corporation shall omit that person from the information given. However, any negative effects brought on by this are not the company's fault.
  • Article 12 (Advertising and Transactions with Advertisers)

    • Services for the promotion of advertising other than the firm are among the services offered by the business. When utilizing the service, users are believed to have accepted the displayed advertising.
    • The company makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy of the advertiser's advertisements or promotional activities posted on this site, and the company disclaims all liability for any losses and damages a member may incur as a result of engaging in a transaction with an advertiser through promotional activities posted on this site or through this service. I assume no liability.
  • Article 13 (Service Use)

    • When there are unforeseen commercial, technical, or other unusual circumstances, the company offers services around-the-clock, every day of the week.
    • Despite the previous sentence, the business may establish a different usage time for particular services, in which case the usage time will be communicated in advance.
    • In the case of a power outage or for any other serious cause, such as the inspection, replacement, or maintenance of information and communication facilities, the firm may temporarily stop offering its services. In the event of a service suspension, the firm must inform in advance, but it may do so later if necessary.
  • Article 14 (Termination of Contract and Restriction of Use)

    • The contract of usage may be terminated by Members at any moment online.
    • The Company may warn without prior notice, stop using some services, stop using the service for a specified period of time, permanently stop using the service, terminate the service contract, or take other action if a Member violates the Terms and Conditions or obstructs the Company's normal service operation.
    • In addition to these terms and conditions, the business may set rules of usage that apply to particular services and notify members of them. Even if users break the terms of service, the corporation may nevertheless take the remedies outlined in article 2.
    • The company must abide by pertinent laws like the "Game Industry Promotion Act" and the "Youth Protection Act" and may delete or take temporary measures in accordance with the "Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc." for posts written by members. The member's use of the service can be limited for this reason.

Chapter 5: Contract Termination and Use Restrictions

  • Articles 15 (Advertising and Transactions with Advertisers)

    • The company is not liable for failing to supply the service if it is prevented from doing so by a natural disaster or another similar force majeure.
    • Any challenges to using the service brought on by the member are their own fault and not the company.
    • The company disclaims all duty and responsibility for the validity and accuracy of any information, data, and facts supplied by users of the service.
    • When members transact with one another or with other parties using the service, the company is not liable.
    • Among the losses incurred by the member in connection with the use of the service, the company is not liable for damages brought on by the member's carelessness or willful misconduct.
  • Article 16 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction Court)

    • The laws of the Republic of Korea shall govern any legal proceedings brought by the corporation against its members.
    • According to the Civil Procedure Act, the court having jurisdiction over disputes between the company and the member is chosen.
    • Despite the above sentence, the Seoul Central District Court of Korea shall be the appropriate court in any legal dispute between a firm and a member who has an address or residency overseas.